This Saturday, September 7th at 10AM. Please check your email for the specifics of the meeting. Club Poker Hunt following the meeting!
Saturday's Meeting Cancelled!
Please check your email for details about Saturday's cancellation. Thanks and have a great week!
Club Hunt April 20th, 2024
Club Members, please check your email for details about the Club Hunt this Saturday. Hope to see you all tomorrow at a site with tremendous potential.
March Monthly Meeting
We will be having our monthly meeting on Saturdat at 10AM. The location is 4358 Ellisboro Road, Stokesdale, NC. Please see your email for further details about the meeting.
First meeting of 2024!
January 27th at 10am. Please check your email for the details of the meeting. Please bring your best finds from 2023 for the "Find of the Year" competition.
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