Old North State Detectorists Club

"Rediscovering the Past"

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Older Posts - Historical archive

Come out to our first meeting of the new year! 

On Saturday, January 28, 2017, at 9:00 am we welcome you to join us at the historical Mendenhall Plantation located at 603 West Main Street, Jamestown, NC, 27282.

Agenda to include but not limited to:

  • Submission of membership form and dues for 2017 for all members.
  • Election of 2017 club officers 
  • Sharing your recent finds


Seeded Hunt 2016/ Picnic was a blast!

A GREAT time was had by everyone! The food was great!
The hunt was great and the friendships was part of what makes the club so special!
Check out our $100 Bill winner!  All the give aways too! Special thanks to Barbee Detector Sales in Burlington!

Meeting Saturday, July 30, 2016

The July meeting is Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 9:00 am. We are meeting at the historic Mendenhall Plantation in Jamestown, NC, unless otherwise instructed. The address is 603 Main Street, Jamestown, NC. We hope everyone will be able to attend. We will be discussing the following:

See you on Saturday.


ONSD Members,

This is a reminder that we are holding our annual seeded hunt this Saturday June 6th at Oak Hollow Lake in High Point. There will be 40 tokens in the ground. Each token will correspond with a nice prize on the table. There will also be coins, rings, and other items for all to find.  In total over $300 worth of items will be given out. Last but not leaset a mint-condition $100.00 bill to be dug by a lucky club member. The seeded hunt begins at 10:00 a.m. 
We will also have a fun hunt. This will be run by Thom Metz. Thom will give details after the seeded hunt is completed. This hunt will involve teams which will be competing to "find" the best poker hand. It should be a lot of fun. 
In addition to the seeded hunt and fun hunt, there will be a delicious covered-dish picnic luncheon with all the delicious fried chicken and covered dish food that you could ask for.  We estimate this will start at noon. A brief business meeting will precede the luncheon.  
Families and friends are encouraged to attend the seeded hunt, fun hunt, and luncheon.  Although they can't hunt,  they can watch you dig up some treasures. PLEASE NOTE: THE HUNTS ARE ONLY OPEN TO CURRENT PAID MEMBERS.
Jim Spivey, Seeded Hunt Master,  states that in case of rain there will be no hunt.   In case of scattered showers the hunt will go on, but not in the rain.  A light rain will be evaluated at the time. Earphones are required. The picnic will be held regardless of rain since we have already reserved and paid for the shelters. 
Becky Craddock, luncheon chair, asks you to tell her that you are attending and what covered dish you will bring.  The club will provide fried chicken, beverages (pop/water) and picnic related items like plates, utensils, and napkins.  Becky's Email address is  bcraddock@northstate.net.
THE HUNT BEGINS AT 10:00 AM SHARP ON SATURDAY, June 6th.  DIRECTIONS TO THE HUNT SITE ARE ATTACHED TO THIS EMAIL (both Word and PDF formats). The address is: 3700 Waterview Road, High Point, NC 27265. You can use it for reference to get you to the park entrance with a GPS. Please park in the paved parking area. We have both shelters, the upper and lower. We will meet at the lower shelter and go to the upper when it is time for the hunt to begin. If you get there early, please do not go to the upper level as they will be seeding the area with tokens and treasures to find. The lower shelter is where the picnic and prize awards will be given.  
Hope to see you there. 
Rodney Joslin
ONSD President

April club meeting

April 2015 club meeting will take place on Saturday, April 25th at 9:00am


Our next club meeting will be held on Saturday, March 28th at 9:00 am at East Coast Wings.

February Club Meeting

Our club will meet on Saturday, February 28th at 9:00 am.
We have a lot to discuss so we hope you will all be there.

If you haven't paid your dues, please bring cash or a check.

See you on Saturday.

January Club Meeting

Our next club meeting will take place on Saturday, January 31st at 9 a.m.

We will have general elections at that time.

More information to follow.




All ONSD Members,
The November and December meetings are combined again this year and will take place on December 6, 2014 at the East Coast Wings location: 1579 A-B New Garden Road, Greensboro, NC 27410 In New Garden Crossing shopping center. Starting time is 8:30 am.  
This is our annual Christmas Party. Something that is enjoyed by all members each year. The format is similar to other years with breakfast and a gift exchange. It is very important that you let Susan know you are coming and what dish you will provide. Please email her at neubauersusan@yahoo.com if you are coming so that she will have an accurate headcount.
Below is the official invitation to this letter.
It is very important to remember there is not a November or December meeting. This meeting on December 6th replaces them. 
Feel free to email if you have any questions or concerns.
ONSD President 
Rodney Joslin 



8:30 am Saturday, December 6th
East Coast Wings

A fun event will be the gift exchange.

Members are asked to bring a wrapped gift.
Gifts are to be in the $10.00 – $15.00

range and need not be related to metal detecting.
This is a good opportunity to give the
gift you received last Christmas and never used

Please bring a dish to share!

It is 

very important to let Susan know you are coming

and what dish you will bring.

Susan Neubauer - neubauersusan@yahoo.com



October 2014 News & Upcoming Meeting

President’s Corner

Hello ONSD Members,

I want to thank everyone who attended last month’s meeting and especially the participants in the “Find of Summer” competition. We had fantastic submissions and it is great to see fellow club members having success in the field. It was extremely difficult to judge but ultimately the winner was Wayne Clodfelter with a gold coin ring. Congratulations Wayne. 

I hope everyone will be able to attend the upcoming meeting on Saturday, October 25th. We are going to have a discussion on Civil War finds led by Robert Underwood. Robert will have displays of his Civil War finds which he recently showcased at the MARC Heritage Day. Please bring your own Civil War finds to share with the club.  The meeting is at East Coast Wings Bar and Grill restaurant, 1579 A-B, New Garden Road, Greensboro, 27410 at 9:00 a.m.

Odds & Ends:

* Keep on the lookout for a club hunt location. An American Silver Eagle will be awarded to any member who secures a club hunt at a qualifying location.

* If you find and return a valuable item to their owner you are eligible for the Randy Woolbright Community Service Award.


Agenda: Oct. Meeting

50/50 raffle (buy tickets before meeting - see Becky Craddock)
9:00 a.m. - Call to Order
Introduce guests
Read Code of Ethics
Treasurer's Report
Committee Reports.
     Web page - Carole Kaplan
     Newsletter - Jim Prettyman
      Liaison - Mc McAtee
     Annual Picnic & Seeded Hunt - Jim Spivey
     Orientation - Robert Underwood
     Club Hunt - Robert Underwood
     By Laws  - Jeffrey Blackburn
     Membership - Rodney Joslin
     President's Report – Rodney Joslin
Civil War Finds Presentation – Robert Underwood
50/50 winner

President, Rodney Joslin


September Club Minutes

Minutes for ONSD Club Meeting,
Saturday, September 27, 2014


Jim Spivey, Chris Smith (joined today), Becky Craddock, Skylar Craddock. Tim Pierce, Tracy Smith, James Prettyman. Mac MaAtee, Jerry Gilliam, Joe Rappa, Carole Kaplan, Robert Underwood, Rick Volinski, Maddie Volinski, Gerald Reel, Rodney Joslin, Susan Neubauer, Wayne Clodfelter, Jody Sanders, Thom Metz

-       Request to account for silver eagle coins with the treasurer.  As one is given away, needs to be deducted from the assets. 7  half dollars

-       Carole Kaplan volunteered for the Communications Committee

-       Read Code of Ethics

-       No old business to discuss

-       Treasures report.  $2597.19 starting.  $20 from 50/50 last month.  10 interest.  $2617.29 total income

-       New business

-       Thom Metz volunteered and will head the prize committee

-       Joe Rappa volunteered for the Nominating Committee

-       TV Fox 8 wants to video a seeded hunt

-       Dates for the seeded hunt are: May 16 – 1st choice, June 6 – 2nd choice, June 13 – 3rd choice

-       Jim Spivey will be in charge of the seeded hunt and Becky Craddock will volunteer for the picnic

-       Facebook and web site are up and running

-       James Prettyman is in charge of the newsletter

-       Robert Underwood would like to host a class on historical research in the new library in Mayodan, NC.  Has to sign up for the room space.  He will get a date to us later.  Anyone interested in attending, please let Robert know.  The meeting will be on a Saturday but not a ONSD Saturday.

-       Upcoming hunt in Burlington hopefully in October.  3.24 acres, dates back to 1848, owned by the Scott Family.  Rodney Joslin will update when he secures a date

-       Carole will send members an email when more information is available

-       Suggested using Survey Monkey for committee voting next January

-       Decided to do “Best Find” every month

-       50/50 collected $52.00 total

 New member joined today – Chris Smith from Jamestown

 Best find for this summer was a gold coin ring found by Wayne Clodfelter

 Name tag winner was Jerry Gilliam

 Winner of 50/50 was Tim Pierce.  He won $26.00 and donated his winnings back to ONSD

August Club Meeting


Mal Kaplan approved the minutes and Joseph Rappa seconded. The minutes were not read but they were published in the bulletin. The treasurer reported that we have an ending balance of $2597.19.

Old Business – we had a round table discussion which was well received.

Under New Business the board we discussed that the membership is about the same as last year.

Pete Nowack from Randleman, NC introduced himself as the newest member.

Jim Spivey spoke about the seeded hunt that we usually have on Memorial Day weekend and discussed changing the date. We will vote next month on a different date. He will give us 3 possible dates to vote on.

We also talked about the Christmas Party and we will ask Becky to head this up as she did such a great job in years past. We will have breakfast as before. Carole Kaplan made a motion to keep doing this and Pat Romano seconded it. We will also make a decision at the next meeting whether to have it on Dec 6 or Dec 13. There may be construction issues at the place we meet and Susan will look into this and let us know.

Rodney Joslin is working on a hunt site near Burlington and will let us know at next meeting.

Pat Romano is going to donate some military knee pads for the seeded hunt. He also has some to sell for $10 a pair.

We had a round table discussion on hunting sites and how people hunt and where. Some of the suggestions were to get information from the library and on the internet. Places to look are playgrounds, ball fields, schools, Google maps,Google Earth and knock on doors.  NCpostcards.com is a great site to look up parks and do information for research. Rodney did a slide presentation on different sites for property information. He explained what GIS is all about. Every county in NC has one of these sites for property information. GIS stands for geographic Information Services.

Thom Metz showed us Treasure Hunter’s Handbook by Andy Sabisch which he believes is  a wonderful book on hunting. 

It was suggested that someone compile a list of internet sites for the newsletter.

The 50/50 Raffle Winner was won by Mal Kaplan.

We were reminded that if you find a site we will give an American Eagle Silver Dollar to that person.

Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Carole Kaplan.


July Club Meeting

July 26, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 9:00am and the minutes from June were approved. Treasurer's Report showed an ending balance of $2555.09.

Under old business, we accepted the resignation of William Purkey as president. William moved to Clemmons, NC but will still be an active member of our club. Thank you William for all you service to this club.

The new president is Rodney Joslin and Thom E Metz is the new vice president.

Robert Underwood advised us that the exhibit at Mendenhall Plantation was a success. ONSD will make a $50 donation to the Mendenhall Planation. Shawn Rogers invited us to come back.

We welcomed new member, Gerald Reel from Lexington, NC

The 50/50 raffle earned the club $22.00. Mal Kaplan was the winner.

A suggestion was made to have a "class" to learn how to use your metal detector.

It was also suggested to see if there is someone who sells metal detectors to teach a class on how to use them.

A suggestion was made to put a "chat site" on our website. This way the members have a way to hook up with someone to hunt with. 

We had a "round table" discussion which was very informative. We concluded that we need new places to hunt for the club and for the members to please look for hunt sites.

The name tag winner was Carole Kaplan and she won a silver half dollar.

Mac and Jim found a Navy belt plate to be donated to the Naval Academy at the Annapolis Museum .  Article in the American Diggers magazine.   Never been seen.  Only speculation on it.

Monthly Meeting

Hello, ONSD Members,
The meeting Saturday, July 26, 2014 will be held in a round table format. I have two topics of discussion. 
The first topic will be to talk about what members expect from the club and how we can improve those benefits to retain and attract members. 
The second topic will be a discussion on best practices for finding hunt locations. 
Please come prepared to discuss these as a group and remember to wear your name tag for a chance to win a silver half dollar!
                           Agenda for the July 26 ONSD Meeting
Old Business
50/50 raffle
9:00 a.m.,  Call to Order
Approval of minutes
Secretary;s Report
Treasurer's Report
New Business
Program:  Round Table Discussion
50/50 raffle results
Name tag prize winner.
President's Comments - 
Reminder:  wear your name tag.  A Walking Liberty silver half-dollar will be presented to someone who is wearing their badge.

What We Do

The Old North State Detectorists
is an association of ethical metal detecting hobbyists

Located in the Piedmont-Triad area of central North Carolina

We will search your yard or homestead to find and recover lost items and relics. Have you found something and are just curious what it is? Contact us!

Metal Detecting is our hobby. The fact that you can't predict what you'll find every time you hunt makes metal detecting fun and rewarding. Some items uncovered might include nails, discarded pieces of iron and wire, keys, bottle caps, shotgun shell casings, jar lids of all  types, and pulltabs, which we call trash or junk. Then there are times you will locate some sort of jewelry item or clad coin and occasionally that treasured old silver coin or historical artifact.

Call us if you've lost that wedding ring or jewelry in the yard or lake. Our members have a multitude of different styles of land & water metal detector machines to search lawns, gardens, underwater locations near shore, and boat docks. Deep ground searches up to 30 feet in depth can be performed with our 2-box style deep seeking detector. While searching your property, metal trash such as old rusted nails, bits of lead, aluminum, and iron will be removed at no charge.

Call William Purkey at 336-855-7034 or email wwpurkey@aol.com

We help the Archaeology folks too...

See our Historical & Archaeological Work page for locations where the Old North State Detectorists have helped locate, recover, and preserve history for future generations.

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